moving on

Moving On [EF#1]


The year of 2015 has just rolled down to the earth. Many hopes, any kind of wishes, and more expectations just turned out to be so popular these days. People come out with various descriptions about what are their goals, what are they going to do, and what do they want. It is just like everyone puts any positive spirits on what they would become. Better? More achievement? Or becoming a slightly different person. Generally, we used to call it as resolution.

Honestly, I am not that mainstream. For me, a new year resolution is just some kind of lists on the table. There must be some list items that need to more accurately paired with an appropriate date. Or for some people, they might write down every single target on a big timetable on the wall. But, surely I am less painstaking for that type. It is just… create a list itself is a horrible activity for me. And moreover, I am positively not a good planner. So, I decide to not just write any type of resolution or whatever it is called. But the most important thing is to do some actions also. That is why I am going to wrapped up the whole package of 2015 theme as moving on. It is time to move from minor purposes to the bigger plans. Move aside from what unnecessary things to the noteworthy ones. Moving forward and reach the goals. Move on, move up, move away from the ground for the better future.

one word of 2015 - moving on

Actually, someone, someone, and someone asked me to describe the year of 2015 by using one word. But, my bad, I am giving them a set of words. One word, one phrase, one sentence, two cause & effect statements, and a small paragraph. :mrgreen:

Furthermore, some people have had developed their resolution into something that only the future can hold. It is called prediction, or we used to mention it as forecast, on an extremely special case definition. In my opinion, prediction is more reasonable. It is because, basically, the predictions are based on statistics. Prediction about the trends of the web design, weather prediction, and so on. While I am not really sure what basis that is used by the forecast. But, I think both of prediction and forecast are not my domain. I do not even know what kind of fate that would be matched for my destiny. I do not even know when the leaves are falling down from its tree. And I do not even know how many years more I will live. So, what I can tell is we need to keep moving according to the plans. Do not mind about the results. That is obviously not our authority to decide. Do the best, pray earnestly, and being grateful for any type of results.

— Sorry for the lack of grammar structure & salam BEC —


52 thoughts on “Moving On [EF#1]

  1. Quite long, but no unnecessary words. Full of fresh ideas and mind provoking (at least for myself). Love the way you describe ‘move on’ by keeping its true meaning, as it has narrower meaning nowadays (because so frequently used in cheesy dialogues between teenagers). ‘I can’t move on, we just broke up two days ago’ and so on. 🙂

    Love this post 🙂


    1. Thank you, Mbak Ami. In the end I am just provoked by one word from your comment, “teenagers”. Because I am not a teenager anymore. I do realize it very well. Hehehe… -_-‘


  2. Andik,

    Like you I quit making new year resolutions years ago. I mean if I want to do something I don’t need to wait for 1 January to start. I just do it.

    You did really good here. You vary the tenses, vocabulary and avoid repetition as well. I won’t comment on writing style because that is not what BEC is about. Good job!


    1. Thank you, Mbak Yo.

      Yes, agree with that. For me, there is no specific day to do some special activities, except today. If we are doing the best for today, then we will have no regrets for this life.

      Actually, it took me two days to write this post. Because I need to push my brain 10 times harder than usual. Hehehe.


  3. I like your theme and how you explain it, Mas Andik. We cannot predict what would happen in the future and what we can do is to give our best and not giving up. Cheers!


  4. Jadi ini, yang ngaku2nya ga bisa bahasa Inggris yang bagus? Huuhhhh ini sih keren abis! Ahhhh, mas Andik! This is beautifully written. Love this!

    Move on!!!!


    1. Hahaha… please, don’t judge the book by its first page only… 😦 ga tau apakah tantangan berikutnya bisa survive… yg ini juga ngerjainnya ngos-ngosan sehari semalam suntuk… setelah melalui sunting sana sunting sini… tanya sana tanya sini krn asli ga pede dan kagok… heuheu… T.T

      Thank you in advance, mbak Joice. Kyknya dirimu lebih biasa ng-english deh… 😀


      1. Ahhh itulah makanya ikut BEC kan…jd ada yg menstimulasi kita utk bisa berlatih terus. Kalo mas andik baca page ‘care to know me’ di blogku aku emang tulis disana kalau aku bakal sering posting ber bahasa Inggris…sebagai sarana berlatih ama English skillku yg makin amburadul ini. Nah makin ada BEC ini makin semangat deh. Karena aku suka males posting bahasa Inggris..capek mikirin bakal ada grammatical mistakesnya gak? Huhuhu…semangat kita yaaa!!!


    1. Hewhew.. makasih mbak Ola.. spt pengelana maksudnya tulisannya ga jelas kemana-mana gt ya… spt lagunya bang Rhoma *kok malah nyambung ke sini* hehehe.. siyap, sami-sami mbak…


      1. Omagaahhh…dikomenin Ola doongg.. Bundonya mas Kal (sok kenal, sok idih banget aku)

        Sam, aku tersesat ndek banyu urip sam..mlebu gang cuilik-cuiliiiikkk..


      2. Aku gak ngerti sam..ndek wingi disesatkan GPS, lewat pasar nin gang cuiliikk, moro2 tekan cedak dolly -__-“


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